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💎Futusly™ 2023 Încălzitor molecular cinetic portabil

💎Futusly™ 2023 Încălzitor molecular cinetic portabil

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Preț obișnuit 230,00 lei
Preț obișnuit Preț redus 230,00 lei
Vânzare Stoc epuizat

🏆Serviciul post-vânzare >>Dacă nu sunteți mulțumit de bunurile primite sau nu vă funcționează, vă oferim rambursare necondiționată în 90 de zile. 🚆 Expediem din California și livrăm de obicei în 3-5 zile. . 🎉 Peste 99,97% dintre clienții noștri recomandă acest produs. ✉️ Asistență clienți 24/7:  avem o echipă de reprezentanți live gata să vă ajute și să răspundă la orice întrebări pe care le aveți într-un interval de 24 de ore, 7 zile pe săptămână. 

Aproape epuizată, această reducere durează 30 de minute la cel mai mic preț al anului. Beneficiați de reducere acum! Mâine vom opri vânzarea și vom reveni la prețul inițial de 149 USD.

Acum, cu încălzitorul cinetic portabil Futusly™  ,  vă puteți menține cald oricând și oriunde și puteți economisi o sumă semnificativă la facturile de electricitate. Nu mai trebuie să vă faceți griji că casa și mașina dumneavoastră sunt acoperite de zăpadă în diminețile reci!

Over the past decade, there have been approximately 36 major snow disasters each year, with the northern and northeastern regions being the hardest hit. With the rising electricity prices, people have had to foot substantial bills for their heating systems every year. Tens of thousands of vehicles become inoperable or unable to function due to ice annually. Major snow disasters result in vehicle damage, wear and tear, and an increase in traffic accidents.

Brad Dotson submitted photos of his car journey using the Futusly™ Portable Kinetic Heater Congratulations on your success!

“This is hands down the best shopping experience I've ever had! I ordered these de-icing gadgets two weeks ago, and they processed my order right away. They shipped from California, and I could track the real-time logistics on my phone, which gave me peace of mind. In chilly Chicago, my Toyota SUV needed these de-icers. They come equipped with a temperature sensor, automatically kicking in when the temperature drops too low, so no manual operation is needed. This means no more scraping ice and frost off my windshield and windows. While my neighbors are out battling snowstorms to clear snow from their cars, I'm grateful I invested in these de-icers. What I particularly love is the robust defrosting effect they provide on my windshield, especially when driving at night, significantly enhancing safety and visibility.A fantastic product that I'll wholeheartedly recommend to everyone!”

As the electricity prices have been skyrocketing, my meager pension couldn't keep up with the rising costs of heating. I decided to give this de-icer a try. It's rechargeable and solar-powered, helping me save a significant amount on heating and snow removal expenses each year. When the temperature drops too low, it quickly raises my room from 10°F to 72°F within 15 minutes. This de-icer actually covers my entire apartment. After a heavy snowstorm, my roof was covered in snow, so I turned it on. Two hours later, the snow on my roof and in front of my door had melted away, eliminating the need for dangerous rooftop work. It's incredibly safe and runs quieter than my air purifier, ensuring it doesn't disrupt my sleep. I've only had it for three days, but I've already fallen in love with it. - Judy Fecko

The climate problem is getting worse, Please prepare preventive measures in advance - the latest solutions in 2023

When facing extremely cold temperatures and blizzard conditions, it's important to realize that they pose significant challenges not only to your indoor temperature and vulnerable roof but also to vehicles exposed to such frigid weather. These challenges include frozen door handles, nearly invisible windshields due to heavy snow, and in the most severe cases, vehicles may find themselves completely buried under a daunting 1.3 meters of snow, further underscoring the need for reliable solutions to cope with the cold.

Fortunately, there is an extraordinary solution now available - the Kinetic Molecular Antifreeze Heating Device! It can keep your home warm and prevent roof snow buildup. You can also place it in your vehicle to prevent freezing and being buried under snow.

The Secret to Preventing Homes and Cars from Getting Stuck in Ice and Snow - Latest Research Findings from NASA

The temperature on the surface of Mars ranges from -20℉ to -80℉. In this harsh environment, the Mars exploration rover Perseverance may be frozen at any time. But actually, it still works! That's because of the machine NASA uses for space missions - he Kinetic Molecular Antifreeze Heating Device. It ensures that the Mars exploration rover Perseverance will be free from ice and snow in this extreme environment and will not be frozen. Now, the aerospace technology used in the U.S. Mars exploration rover "Perseverance" has overcome mass production problems and entered the civilian market. Committed to solving the problem of vehicles being affected by ice and snow in extreme environments in daily life

Key Technologies of the Kinetic Molecular Anti-freeze Heater : 

The BIKENDA™ Portable Kinetic Molecular Heater features a dual-loop suspension system designed by NASA. When activated, these dual loops induce molecular rotational motion. The molecular movement releases kinetic energy, which not only prevents water molecules from freezing but also serves the fundamental task of heating the environment.

As these rings elegantly spin, they set in motion a captivating display of kinetic energy conversion. The kinetic energy they generate is harnessed and efficiently channeled into a gentle, warm heat. It's a testament to cutting-edge technology at work, seamlessly transforming kinetic energy into the cozy heat that envelops your space, ensuring a comfortable and inviting atmosphere.

Practical and stylish car accessories

The Futusly™ Portable Kinetic Heater, when applied to your vehicle, utilizes kinetic energy generated by rotation to prevent water molecules from freezing and generates comfortable heat. During the cold winter months, when it detects the air temperature dropping too low, it automatically activates. Leveraging cutting-edge aerospace technology, it promptly melts the snow and ice covering your car. With it, you won't need to search for your vehicle in the snow on chilly mornings. It can be powered through either solar energy or fast USB charging, and just 15 minutes of charging can store enough energy for a month's use. The easy-to-install base makes it suitable for all vehicle types, whether it's a luxury sedan, an off-road SUV, an economy car, or even a motorhome, the Futusly™ Portable Kinetic Molecular Heater Device can be easily attached to any vehicle.

Thanks to the portability of the Futusly™ Portable Kinetic Molecular Heater, it can extend from your car to your home, providing all-around warmth within 600 square feet of your home in under 5 minutes. You can rely on it to ensure your home has a warm temperature in winter, saving you significant annual electricity costs. It also helps you avoid costly repair expenses caused by roof damage, house collapse, interior leaks, and other issues due to roof snow accumulation.
The Futusly™ Portable Kinetic Molecular Heater is not only portable and aesthetically pleasing but also comes with two power supply modes: solar power and fast USB charging. It provides an economically efficient solution, allowing you to fully charge it in 2 hours in ample sunlight or quickly charge it in 15 minutes by connecting to a power source. A single charge can last for 1 month. It not only offers you efficient and safe heating but also contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle.

Customers' lives have changed after using Futusly™ Portable Kinetic Molecular Heater:

I bought this product just in time for the first (of many!) snows and ice in Erie, PA - a few days before it arrived we already had a thick layer of ice on our handlebars and The windshield was also frozen. By the end of the day, there was a thick layer of ice on top. We then had to work in the parking lot for over half an hour. This de-icer can melt almost any ice cube without any effort required. It's also wide enough to cover the rear doors and rear windows, leaving no annoying ice patches anywhere. Great product! highly recommended! (As someone who moved from Florida who moved up north, this works wonders! This has to be one of the best investments I've ever made especially since my old car tends to get icy real quick)

 --⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Michigan, Jordan Jones

Sunt foarte fericit să primesc asta. A venit exact la timp pentru a fi folosit în timpul furtunii de gheață care a durat întreaga lună . Sunt o femeie de 74 de ani care locuiește singură și nu am energia sau timpul să-mi curăț mașina toată dimineața și să merg doar la băcănie să iau câteva lucruri. Acum, mă trezesc în fiecare dimineață și mă urc în mașină ca iarna nu a venit niciodată. Vecinii mei încă mai răzuiesc gheața groasă și zăpada de pe geamurile mașinii și mă simt atât de rău încât le voi trimite fiecăruia dintre ei un link de cumpărare.    

 -- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Londra,  Caleb Austin

Ce face ca încălzitorul molecular cinetic portabil Futusly™ să fie cea mai bună alegere?

  • Tehnologia aerospațială autorizată a NASA
  • Nu va interfera cu sau nu va afecta dispozitivele electronice din mașină
  • Fără radiații, fără efecte secundare asupra corpului uman
  • O temperatură confortabilă de 75°F și  dezghețare generală la 360°
  • Aspect elegant și ușor de instalat
  • Două moduri de alimentare: energie solară și încărcare rapidă de 15 minute
  • Două moduri de utilizare: pornire automată și pornire manuală
  • Prevenirea aburirii geamurilor auto
  • Cele mai bune opțiuni de încălzire pentru scenarii precum întreruperi neașteptate de curent,
    mașina dvs., camera de zi, biroul, munca în aer liber, petrecerile și aventurile


Mini încălzitor cinetic portabil Futusly™

Modele aplicabile:  toate


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